June 30, 2021

Embroidery Artist Mimics Lush Forest Landscapes Through Brilliant Stitching Techniques

Artist Katrin Vates evokes the lushness of the great outdoors through embroidery. Her meticulously detailed landscapes depict tall trees and hidden houses via tiny stitches. They evoke the beauty and wonder you feel when walking through the woods; that the landscape is vast but is full of small moments like a leaf floating towards the ground. Vates became interested in embroidery as a way to decorate things in her home.

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June 29, 2021

Teacher Builds Mobile Graduation Stage for His Students To Walk Across and Receive Their Diplomas

Like many students around the world, those at Central Algoma Secondary School (CASS) in Ontario, Canada, have been learning virtually for over a year. They’ve missed out on major high school events, such as prom. However, Ray Gowlett, a health and physical education teacher at the high school, was determined to give his students the graduation day they deserved.

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June 29, 2021

Artist Transforms Building Façade in France With Delicate Painted Lace

Polish street artist NeSpoon is known for creating murals based on delicate patterns of antique lace. And now, she's brought her unique style to a small town in French Brittany. Painting for the In Cité, Festival écologique d'Arts Urbains, NeSpoon transformed the façade of a building into a stunning work of art. As usual, the artist turned to the past in order to create the pattern for her work.

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June 28, 2021

Skull Hidden in a Well for 90 Years Leads to the Discovery of New Human Species

An ancient skull, hidden by a family for nearly 90 years, could be the key to helping researchers identify a new human species. The skull was donated to a university museum just three years ago and the results of careful analysis have just been revealed. This incredible fossil is actually part of a new human group known as Homo longi or “Dragon Man” and, researchers claim, is our closest known relative.

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