December 28, 2020

Photographer Captures ISS Passing Between Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn

Did you catch a glimpse of the Great Conjunction last week? On the night of December 21, Saturn and Jupiter appeared closer together in the sky than they have since the 13th century. Astronomers and astrophotographers around the world sought to get in position to view this exceptionally rare “Christmas Star”—the effect of the planets being quite close from December 16 to 25.

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December 27, 2020

What Is Ancient Assyrian Art? Discover the Visual Culture of This Powerful Empire

Arising from the Fertile Crescent, the Assyrian Empire once ruled over Mesopotamia with powerful armies and grand stone palaces. This advanced civilization greatly predated the Roman and Greek Empires but produced works of art as delicate as Greek amphorae and as monumental as Roman statuary. Leaving behind a rich archeological record and a wealth of written records, the Ancient Assyrians are an important facet of any introduction to ancient art.

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