A 7-year-old named Cairo took to the stage at his school’s talent show dressed as Bowser from the video game Super Mario Brothers. Sitting at a keyboard, he began singing “Peaches” from The Super Mario Bros. Movie, which was inspired by the game and released in theaters earlier in 2023. But that’s not all that happened during this performance.
What was supposed to be a solo rendition from Cairo quickly became a whole-audience sing-along led by the young boy. The other kids belted the lyrics and waved their arms. When Cairo finished his performance, the entire audience erupted into thunderous applause. Luckily, an audience member recorded and shared the adorable scene on YouTube, and it’s no surprise that the wholesome moment has gone viral.
“Peaches” was first sung by actor Jack Black who voiced Bowser in the film. Hopefully, the video’s popularity will reach him, too; Cairo even wore the same costume that Black wore when he appeared on The Kelly Clarkson Show.
Watch Cairo’s performance below. If you know the song, feel free to sing along.
A 7-year-old named Cairo took to the stage at his school’s talent show dressed as Bowser from the video game Super Mario Brothers. He sang “Peaches” from The Super Mario Bros. Movie and it became a giant sing-along.
“Peaches” was first sung by actor Jack Black who voiced Bowser in the film.
Cairo even wore the same costume that Black wore when he appeared on The Kelly Clarkson Show.
Now, the grateful budding musician is soaking in the positive feedback and taking a family vacation in Ghana.
Cairo: TikTok | YouTube | Instagram
h/t: [Boing Boing]
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