Horse Keeps Running Away to Visit Dementia Patients Who Feed Him Carrots


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A post shared by Maija Vance (@maija_vance)

Horses have incredible memories. If you need any proof, just look to Panda the palomino paint horse. Panda’s owner Maija Vance recently shared a video of her riding Panda along the side of a road while making an embarrassed, disapproving face. Text on the screen reads, “How many times has my horse got loose and run into the dementia unit in town and I had to ride him home…” The song Vance chose as the background track of the video seems to be the answer: “2 Times” by Ann Lee.

The video quickly gained traction for the adorableness, outrageousness, and silliness of it all. Comments are filled with hilarious responses, such as, “I’m sure the residents keep telling family a horse ran in and they don’t believe them,” to which Vance responded with, “I thought that too!!” Others are finding the sweetness in it all, telling Vance that Panda must want a “second job” helping others and that he must be connecting with them.

As sweet as those sentiments may be, Vance reveals what could be the biggest motivation for Panda’s escapes in a follow-up video. In this second video, Panda is running around the parking lot of a building as Vance tries to grab his lead. Hilariously, you hear her say, “I’m so sorry this has happened again.” The text on the screen says, “This is 100% my fault, I took him to the dementia unit to visit the patients. They loved him and gave him carrots. Now he tries to find ways to get loose and run into town and ends up back there.”

Food is often a good motivator for animals of any kind, but it seems Vance has been able to motivate him to get back to work.

See the hilarious videos below and keep up with Vance’s horses, Panda and Slim Shady, on Tiktok.

Meet Panda, one of two palomino paint horses owned by Maija Vance.


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Vance posted this video revealing that Panda has become an escape artist, and many were left wondering why he kept running away.

Watch on TikTok

In a follow-up video, she explains that his escapes have been heavily motivated by food.

It seems Panda only escaped those two times and has been motivated by Vance enough to get back to work.

Maija Vance: Tiktok | Instagram
h/t: [KingdomsTV]

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Madyson DeJausserand

Madyson DeJausserand is a Video Editor at My Modern Met Academy and a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met. She is also an award-winning filmmaker who graduated from Oakland University with a BA in Cinema Studies with a specialization in Filmmaking. Her passions for filmmaking and art bleed into her everyday life and she devotes her time to developing her voice as a filmmaker, writer, artist, and editor.
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