October 18, 2023

Polar Bears and Ethereal Landscapes Are This Photographer’s Postcards From the Arctic Circle [Interview]

For eight days, photographer Drew Doggett floated in the Arctic waters of Svalbard, Norway. Doggett made his way up north and climbed aboard a research vessel for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure that brought him up to the 80th parallel north. From there, he was able to document the ethereal landscape while also actively seeking out polar bears. His new limited edition series, Northern Dreams, is the result of this journey.

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October 16, 2023

Watch Blue Ivy‘s Growth Between Her First and Last Performance on Beyoncé’s Renaissance Tour

Beyoncé's Renaissance Tour has been one of the top pop culture moments of 2023, bringing fans together and boosting local economies. On stage, the tour has also made waves for its empowering moments. For example, Beyoncé shared the stage with her daughter, Blue Ivy, who joined her as part of her dancing crew. As the tour progressed, Blue Ivy seems to have grown in confidence, taking the stage with increasing determination each time.

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