Make Memories With Your Best Four-Pawed Friend While Taking This Photography Class

Pet Portraits by Belinda Richards

If you have a dog or cat in your life, you likely take lots of pictures. Whether or not you consider yourself creative, it's hard to resist becoming a total shutterbug, grabbing another photo of our good boys and girls while they're snoozing in the sun or romping in the yard. They're just so cute, you've probably even paid for extra cloud storage just to make sure you hold on to every image ever captured of your loved one with a wagging tail. Your pet, however, might not be a fan of the puparazzi or sitting still for a clear shot. With a little bit of guidance though, you can capture beautiful, artistic portraits of your furry, fuzzy, or whiskered family members that you will treasure for years to come and be proud to frame and hang on your walls.

With My Modern Met Academy‘s Introduction to Pet Photography: Capture the Spirit of Your Furry Friend you get to stretch your creative muscles while having quality time with your pets. Professional photographer Belinda Richards goes over the entire process, from dog psychology to photo editing, that even with just your phone's camera you'll create work that belongs in a museum.

One student who completed the class wrote, “I have been an outdoor photographer for nearly 20 years, and decided to delve into studio photography. Knowing nothing about studio lighting and how it works, I found Belinda so easy to understand. She explained everything in a way I wasn't having to pause and google what she was talking about.” Richards covers a wide array of skills over 15 short lessons that it's impossible to not learn something, even if you're a seasoned photographer.

Enroll now in Introduction to Pet Photography: Capture the Spirit of Your Furry Friend on My Modern Met Academy before you take any more out-of-focus pictures of your animal companion who's more interested in chewing on your phone that posing. Once you've taken your pet photography skills to the next level, you can check out My Modern Met Academy's other online classes that will help you capture your pets and their lovable personalities.

In Introduction to Pet Photography: Capture the Spirit of Your Furry Friend, photographer Belinda Richards will make sure you feel comfortable with every step in the photography process.

Dog Photography by Belinda Richard

Richards makes sure you know how to encourage your pet to show off their best angles and character.

Dog Photography by Belinda Richard

Dog Photography by Belinda Richard

Belinda Richards: Website | Instagram | Facebook

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Elizabeth Beiser

Elizabeth Beiser is a Contributing Writer and Project Coordinator at My Modern Met. She has a background in American Cultural History with a special focus on Modern art and democratic community building. She received her B.A. in history, with a minor in Studio Arts, and her M.A. in history from the University of Rochester. She has worked on multiple political campaigns, as well as in non-profit operations and direct service. When she’s not writing, she’s experimenting with all varieties of arts and crafts. She also enjoys spending time with four-legged friends and exploring her hometown of Boston.
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