Photo: Julie Johnson
Many pet owners love to snuggle with their dogs in bed at night. But recently, one Tennessee couple woke up next to a very unexpected canine friend. Julie Johnson and her husband Jimmy were used to letting their three dogs join them in their bed; however, one morning, they were greeted by an extra cuddly little stranger—a fourth dog they didn’t recognize. The couple was so befuddled that they had to take to social media to share the strange occurrence.
“It is absolutely normal to wake up in our house with one of OUR dogs in the bed with us,” Johnson shared in a Facebook post. “One small problem, THIS IS NOT OUR DOG, nor do we know how she got in our house. At first, we thought it was one of ours, but they rarely lay on the pillows! In pitch darkness, I just assumed it was. Wouldn’t we all?”
The hilarious caption was accompanied by amusing photos of the extremely comfortable pup making itself right at home as it stretched across the Johnsons’ bed. The couple hoped people would share the post so that the unidentified pooch’s owners could find the lost dog. Luckily the comical mishap quickly gained traction on the platform, garnering around 1,600 likes and more than 650 shares.
In no time, Johnson returned with a “PUPDATE” informing the public that the mystery dog’s name was Nala and that she would be picked up by her mom very soon. “Good luck getting her out of my bed mam,” she added, indicating how reluctant the dog seemed to be removed from her cozy perch. Luckily, Nala’s owners—Cris Hawkins and Felecia Johnson—live in the same neighborhood, so it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle for them to retrieve the silly canine.
After getting Nala back home, her humans couldn’t help but share their own version of the wacky incident. “Our overly friendly pup, Nala, has hit an all-time record for ignoring personal space and added yet another trick to her long list of Houdini acts,” Hawkins shared on Facebook. “She slipped her collar yesterday while being walked, ran down the street to a neighbor's house, somehow managed to get IN their house, and climbed into bed with them in the middle of the night.”
Hawkins also couldn’t help but note how funny it was that not a single one of the Johnsons’ three dogs reacted to another random pup climbing up to join them in bed. “Thankfully, the couple thought it was hilarious and they aren't even mad about it,” Hawkins added before thanking Julie and her husband for keeping Nala safe and spreading the word so that they could be reunited with their wily pooch.
Luckily, no harm was done by Nala’s escape. And in the end, it turned out to be quite the hilarious anecdote that will likely continue to amuse the internet for the foreseeable future.
Tennesse couple, Julie and Jimmy Johnson, woke up to a very furry surprise—a strange dog sleeping in their bed.
They quickly found the owners of the wily pup, Nala, and returned the lost dog to her parents.
h/t: [People]
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