October 15, 2020

Mesmerizing Timelapse Captures Huge Cloudburst “Tsunami” Moving Across Austrian Lake

Particularly extreme weather events are often a reminder that Mother Nature is in charge. From heatwaves to hurricanes, there’s no stopping the wrath of the elements once they get going. Of course, many of these natural phenomenons can be dangerous for us human beings, but if they happen to occur away from civilization, they can simply be mesmerizing to observe from afar.

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October 15, 2020

Security Cam Captures Woman’s Happy Dance After Nailing a Job Interview

For many, the year 2020 has been filled with difficulties and disappointments; so when a video comes around that demonstrates some of the best of 2020's moments, it can evoke a sense of shared community and collective joy and relief. Such is the case with this viral video featuring 21-year-old Kayallah Jones. For months, Jones had been job searching with little luck due to COVID-19 and its role in disrupting businesses and employment.

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October 14, 2020

Ancient Egyptian Coffins Sealed 2,600 Years Ago Are Opened for First Time in History

Last month, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquity announced the incredible discovery of 2,600-year-old coffins in Saqqara. Unearthed in a well near the Step Pyramid of Djoser, the wood coffins were found to be remarkably well-preserved and still retaining some of their paint. Now, archaeologists have taken the next step and actually opened one of the coffins.

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October 13, 2020

Artist Turns Old Bike Chains Into Spectacular Metal Sculptures Inspired by Nature and Humans

When Iowa-based Drew Evans (of Chainbreaker Studio) isn’t running his bicycle repair shop, he’s turning old bike parts into art. The talented metalworker uses discarded bike chains and sprockets to create incredible, nature-inspired scrap metal sculptures. Drew has been welding since 2008, and is now an expert at turning disused metal parts into art. “I greatly enjoy bringing life and beauty to what is often considered to be junk,” he tells My Modern Met.

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