Adorable Toddler Besties Greet Each Other with Huge Heartwarming Hug

Toddlers Hugging Viral Video

For many parents, social media is a great way to keep friends and family in the loop. Sometimes, however, a photo or video is so cute it's impossible not to share, whether it's showcasing a furry friendship, teeny tiny model, or even something as simple as a hug between besties.

Recently, Michael Cisneros shared a cute clip of his son, Maxwell, and his friend, Finnegan, in a heartwarming moment. As they spot each other on a New York Street, the giggling two-year-olds energetically run toward each other, culminating in a huge hug.

Though just 40 seconds long, this short but sweet video quickly went viral. Though Cisneros claimed to know nothing about social media stardom, he was well aware of the hug's potential to break the internet. “I have no idea how to make things go viral,” he wrote on Facebook. “For those that do……please share. This is just so beautiful.”

On the heels of the video's popularity, Cisneros has shared that, when they're not playing tennis or dancing at music class with each other, the tots are “always asking about one another”—a fact that somehow makes their enthusiastic embrace even cuter.

In need of a pick-me-up? Look no further than this viral video of two-year-olds Maxwell and Finnegan sharing a huge hug.

h/t: [ABC News, POPSUGAR]

All images via Michael Cisneros.

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Kelly Richman-Abdou

Kelly Richman-Abdou is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met. An art historian living in Paris, Kelly was born and raised in San Francisco and holds a BA in Art History from the University of San Francisco and an MA in Art and Museum Studies from Georgetown University. When she’s not writing, you can find Kelly wandering around Paris, whether she’s leading a tour (as a guide, she has been interviewed by BBC World News America and France 24) or simply taking a stroll with her husband and two tiny daughters.
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