November 4, 2020

Japanese Tea House Creates Edible Zen Gardens Using Green Matcha Powder

From hot, creamy lattes to green tea chocolate, matcha is a long-standing favorite flavor in Japan. Made from whole green tea leaves that have been ground into a fine powder, matcha is a versatile ingredient that can be used in drinks, cooking, and baking. Omatcha Salon tea house in Japan celebrates its love of matcha and Japanese tradition by using it in every one of their artistic, culinary creations.

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November 2, 2020

Climate Change Brings Prehistoric Plant From 60 Million Years Ago Back to Life

It was 60 million years ago that the Cycad (Cycas revoluta) plant, or Sago palm, grew naturally in the UK. But for the first time, botanists have been able to produce both male and female cones on Cycads grown outdoors. Native to Japan, these plants typically grow in warm temperate and subtropical regions. So why are they springing back up in the UK now? Climate change.

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