Tiny Army Men Toys Strike Perfect Yoga Poses in Rainbow Colors

Rainbow Joes Yoga Joes Toys for Grown-Ups

If you collected action figures as a kid, you likely had a troop of tiny green Army men. Camouflaged in olive drab and ready for combat, these little soldiers were a toy-box staple. If you find yourself missing these miniature fighters, you'll be happy to know that they're making a comeback as Rainbow Joes. This time around, however, it's not the bad guys they're battling—it's bad posture and boring color.

Designed by Dan Abramson—the brains behind Yoga Joes—these tiny men are on a mission to find inner peace. Each polychromatic battalion is made up of 9 practitioners striking yoga poses. Unlike classic Yoga Joes, each set features a cast of many colors, “with the end pieces in the same color, and the remaining 7 figures ordered spectrally across.” Line them up on their tiny bamboo floor, and watch a relaxing rainbow appear.

If you're looking forward to this color change, you're in good company. It seems that Joe himself has been scouting out a more exciting ensemble to replace his famous fatigues. “Underneath Yoga Joes’ green exterior, a multicolored symphony of light has been waiting to emerge,” the Yoga Joes website says. “And at last it is happening.”

March on over to the My Modern Met Store to get your own set of Rainbow Joes.

Rainbow Joes put a playful and polychromatic spin on traditional Army men toys.

Rainbow Joes Yoga Joes Toys for Grown-Ups

A special edition of Yoga Joes, these colorful action figures produce a dazzling rainbow as they practice their poses.

Rainbow Joes Yoga Joes Toys for Grown-Ups

Rainbow Joes Yoga Joes Toys for Grown-Ups

As a fun bonus, each set's color combination is a surprise!

Rainbow Joes Yoga Joes Toys for Grown-Ups

Rainbow Joes Yoga Joes Toys for Grown-Ups

Rainbow Joes Yoga Joes Toys for Grown-Ups

You can find these awes-“om” action figures in the My Modern Met Store.

Rainbow Joes Yoga Joes Toys for Grown-Ups

Yoga Joes: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

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Kelly Richman-Abdou

Kelly Richman-Abdou is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met. An art historian living in Paris, Kelly was born and raised in San Francisco and holds a BA in Art History from the University of San Francisco and an MA in Art and Museum Studies from Georgetown University. When she’s not writing, you can find Kelly wandering around Paris, whether she’s leading a tour (as a guide, she has been interviewed by BBC World News America and France 24) or simply taking a stroll with her husband and two tiny daughters.
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