Cosmically Colorful Embroidery Designs Capture the Beauty of Our Solar System

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

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The humble needle and thread isn’t just for mending clothes. They’re artistic tools that can be used to create extraordinary embroidery designs. French artist Ophélie Trichereau is one creative to adopt the textile art form as her medium. She creates space-inspired embroidery wall hangings that celebrate the colorful beauty of the cosmos.

Trichereau is totally fascinated by outer space. “There is so much we don't know about space yet, it's just endless inspiration,” she tells My Modern Met. “In my art, I really like to embroider the planets, especially the gas planets. I like to play with the visual effects of gas with my embroidery threads and create a very artistic version of our universe. Sometimes people mistake my embroidery for paintings.”

From Mercury to Neptune, Trichereau captures each unique planetary terrain in thread. In one textile rendition of Saturn, Trichereau renders the gas planet in a vibrant swirl of painterly stitches, and creates its outer ring in colorful thread. She also adds luxury three-dimensional elements, including Swarovski crystals, 24kt gold-plated beads, and glass beads to represent chunks of rock, dust, and ice.

Trichereau’s embroidery practice is not only about producing beautiful works of art. It has also helped her learn more about our solar system. “Before working on it, I didn't know that all gas planets have rings,” she reveals. “I told this fact to a lot of people. I am very happy to have the opportunity to teach small things to the people who follow my work.”

Other than planets, Trichereau also stitches astrology constellations using gold thread, beads, and sequins. And in one particularly impressive piece, the talented artist created a fully hand-embroidered solar system, featuring the Sun in the center, and everything bound to it by gravity—the nine planets, dozens of moons, and countless asteroids, and comets.

Check out Trichereau’s otherworldly embroidery designs below and follow her on Instagram to see more. If you love her work, you can buy her pieces on Etsy.

Ophélie Trichereau creates space-inspired embroidery designs that celebrate the colorful beauty of the cosmos.

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

Each piece is full of educational details about our solar system.

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

Gas planets are rendered in colorful swirls of painterly stitches.

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

Trichereau even adds crystals and beads to represent chunks of rock, dust, and ice.

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

She also stitches astrology constellations using gold thread, beads, and sequins.

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

Space Embroidery Designs by Ophélie Trichereau

Ophélie Trichereau: Etsy | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Ophélie Trichereau.

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Emma Taggart

Emma Taggart is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met. Originally from Northern Ireland, she is an artist now based in Berlin. After graduating with a BA in Fashion and Textile Design in 2013, Emma decided to combine her love of art with her passion for writing. Emma has contributed to various art and culture publications, with an aim to promote and share the work of inspiring modern creatives. While she writes every day, she’s also devoted to her own creative outlet—Emma hand-draws illustrations and is currently learning 2D animation.
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