January 17, 2024

Digital Atlas of Over 380,000 Galaxies Is Made Available Online

The universe is so vast that it would be impossible to map all of it. However, with 383,620 galaxies under its belt, the Siena Galaxy Atlas (SGA) covers a significant portion. The online archive uses data from three Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Legacy Surveys collected between 2014 and 2017 (known as the DESI Legacy Surveys) to present images and detailed information about what lies in outer space.

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January 16, 2024

Explore Color and Learn New Techniques in This Acrylic Painting Masterclass

My Modern Met Academy is starting 2024 with a new painting course led by artist Luiza Niechoda. We've been a fan of the Polish artist's moody pixelated acrylic landscapes and couldn't wait to see what she'd come up with when we invited her to create a course. Her online acrylic painting class, which spans three hours, is more than we could have bargained for. In fact, it's so good that we're calling it a masterclass.

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January 15, 2024

Actress Katherine Heigl Creates Incredible Paintings and Mixed Media Art

Most of us know actress Katherine Heigl for her work on Grey's Anatomy or her starring roles in films like Knocked Up and 27 Dresses. Most recently, she was on screen as Tully in Netflix's popular Firefly Lane, which she also executive produced. But did you also know that Heigl is an avid painter, spending upwards of four to five hours a day in her art studio?

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