Hand lettering by Danison Fronda
Have you ever wanted to incorporate more art into your everyday life? Are you looking to throw the best birthday party this summer? Maybe you want to finally organize your space or up your gardening game? Try out hand-lettering, a versatile drawing skill that has plenty of real-world applications.
Unlike calligraphy, hand-lettering doesn't rely on you having great handwriting or a whole set of special pen nibs. So even if you have the illegible scrawl of a doctor or you’ve decided not to buy any more art supplies until you use up what you already have, hand-lettering could be the creative outlet for you.
To make it even easier to get started, My Modern Met Academy offers an introductory hand-lettering course—Write Out the Future: Hand Letter an Inspiring Phrase—taught by Danison Fronda.
There are various crafts and projects that use hand-lettering to elevate them. Scroll down to see four of the most common types of projects you can use hand lettering for and then get a sneak peek at Fronda’s class to dive into this beautiful art.
Here are 4 projects you can use hand-lettering for:
Greeting Cards

Photo: AtlasStudio/Depositphotos
There's always a reason to send a card to someone. It could be their birthday or wedding, or maybe you just want to let them know you're thinking of them. Sending them a greeting card you illustrated yourself will be a cherished surprise hidden in a pile of bills and junk mail.
Garden Labels

Photo: Struvictory/Depositphotos
Remember which herbs you planted where with adorable labels that make your garden seem even more idyllic.
Party Supplies

Photo: FreddyNapoleoni/Depositphotos
From invitations to seat placements to gift bag labels, there's always room for more personalization at a party. Being able to create your own materials can help keep the budget down and also allow for maximum customization to fit any party themes.
Motivational Illustrations and Journals

Photo: rawpixel
Whether you want to send a friend a pick-me-up or could use a reminder each morning to go after your goals, hand-lettering can make for beautiful art that keeps your eye on the prize. It is also a great complement to bullet journals to keep you engaged with your habit-trackers when the joy of achieving your accomplishments begins to lag.
If you're ready to get started, check out artist Davison Fronda's class on My Modern Met Academy.
This introduction to hand lettering class contains multiple short lessons that can be reviewed whenever needed.
Fronda will guide you through the alphabet and teach you several different strokes for lettering.
By the end of the course, you'll be ready to make your own word art.
Danison Fronda: Website | Facebook | Instagram
My Modern Met Academy: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | TikTok
My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Danison Fronda.
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